Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seattle SC with the Cousins

Chase, Corbin, Carlee, Camren, Kaitlyn and our NANA!

Carlee Jill and Camren at the Laser Light Show. Those two are animals!

Kaitlyn and Cami Lynn hanging out! Kaitlyn is great with her cousins.

Chase and Corbin ready for the Michael jackson Laser Light Show. It was their favorite part of the science center.....oh, and the big fountain.

Carlee Jill and Camren absolutely love each other! I hope they stay best cousins forever. Camren is pretty cute with CJ......she is bossy and he loves her anyway!! We love you Pack family! Thanks Brett for bringing the kids down for the day so we could hang out, spend time, and create fun memories for the cousins!

Carlee Jill turns "3"

Carlee Jill was super excited to turn "3" and have a tinkerbell/princess birthday!! She is still Corbin and Cami's other mother. Carlee has a very strong spirit and loves going places and talking to everyone she meets. I crack up when she spurts out random stuff that has happened weeks ago and talks about it as if it just happened that day. The threes have brought about a few more tantrums and a louder voice!! But, after she turned 3 she did finally decided maybe it is time to get out of diapers and start using the potty chair. Yahoo! We love you CJ and wish you fun being 3.
P.S. Corbins quote when Carlee is being mean, yelling, or having a meltdown, "We love Carlee Jill because she is ours!"

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just us having fun

I just recently went back to work part-time and it has been hard on my heart to leave Corbin, Carlee, and Cami Lynn. We are all adjusting to our new schedule. So as a family we are trying to spend more quality time together and just have lots of fun. The kids are growing up so fast and I don't want to miss one thing.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Corby turns "6"

It is so hard to believe Andrew and I have a 6-year old. We sure love our Corbin William. He is a sweet boy who loves basketball, Wii, his friends, family, and school. Corbin loves life and is tons of fun to play games with. He can be so cute and helpful with his baby sisters when caught in the right mood. He loves to rough house with his dad and someday he will have the upper hand! WE LOVE YOU CORBIN!!!! HAVE FUN BEING SIX.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 2010

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone is having a great 2010. Things have been super crazy with the kids. Corby loves basketball, Wii, and UNO. Carlee Jill loves her babies, coloring pictures and singing songs. Carlee is a great sister to both Corby and Cami. Cami Lynn just found her feet and loves to eat her toes! She is very much a mommy's girl and that is going to make it super hard for me to go back to work part-time the middle of February! Andrew and I have a new years resolution.........more date nights!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

Corbin 5 years old
Cami 3 months old
Carlee 2 years old

Is it almost Christmas already?? There is still so much more shopping to do, parties to attend, Christmas cards to fill out......but.........this year Andrew and I are really trying to teach our children about the pure love of Christ and create a new tradition of service in our family the whole month of December. In the words of Dr. Seuss's Mr. Grinch,"Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store perhaps it means a little more."

We hope all our friends and family have a wonderful 2010. We love being a part of your lives.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone!! Corbin and Carlee at grammy's house. Corby is a baseball player and Carlee is a lady bug. See below for Cami Lynn the unhappy pumpkin!

Carlee and her buddy Morgan at the Church Trunk or Treat. A picture is worth a thousand words especially when it comes to these two.
Cami Lynn was a pumpkin for her first Halloween and she did not like her costume.
Carlee modified her lady bug costume with a pink hat and at 2 1/2 years old, I think it is the perfect costume.......she really wanted to go in just her diaper!