Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

Corbin 5 years old
Cami 3 months old
Carlee 2 years old

Is it almost Christmas already?? There is still so much more shopping to do, parties to attend, Christmas cards to fill out......but.........this year Andrew and I are really trying to teach our children about the pure love of Christ and create a new tradition of service in our family the whole month of December. In the words of Dr. Seuss's Mr. Grinch,"Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store perhaps it means a little more."

We hope all our friends and family have a wonderful 2010. We love being a part of your lives.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone!! Corbin and Carlee at grammy's house. Corby is a baseball player and Carlee is a lady bug. See below for Cami Lynn the unhappy pumpkin!

Carlee and her buddy Morgan at the Church Trunk or Treat. A picture is worth a thousand words especially when it comes to these two.
Cami Lynn was a pumpkin for her first Halloween and she did not like her costume.
Carlee modified her lady bug costume with a pink hat and at 2 1/2 years old, I think it is the perfect costume.......she really wanted to go in just her diaper!

Cami Lynn is 2 months old

Cami Lynn is growing up so fast!! She is super sweet and we kiss her all the time. Corbin and Carlee still adore her and love to hold her. I love her littleness, sweet noises and sideways smiles. She is still a little least for everyone but mommy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween Soup Time

I love Halloween and Halloween Soup. (Candy Corn, Peanut M&M's, Peanuts, Plain M&M's) It is an October staple in our house. The kids are excited to carve pumpkins and go to trunk or treat at the church! We are still deciding on Halloween Costumes......all I know is I am going as mommy this year.

Happy 35th Birthday Mommy!!

I turned 35 this October and this is a picture of my life the morning of my birthday!! I awoke to three beautiful children, a great husband, amazing friends, and the gospel in my home. This is the season my life is in and I am great with that. Cheyenne once shared a quote with me and I will remember it forever because it helps me appreciate every day...."Never be ashamed of the Season your life is in." Every year is a work in progress and I hope to make my 35th year of life an awesome one!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cami Lynn's Blessing

It was such a special day!! My grandma and grandpa Green were able to come up from Silverdale to be here for Cami's blessing along with my parents and my brother and his family. The blessing was very precious and thank goodness Cami slept through the whole thing. To add to the beautiful day, Andrew accepted a call to serve as the new ward clerk of the Olympia first ward. Corbin will be the man of the house Sunday mornings helping me get the girls ready for church.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Corby's 1st day of School!

Corbin was super excited to start his first day of kindergarten. Andrew and I were more nervous than he was. Corbin says, " School is Cool." I hope he still thinks that when he is a teenager. We are so proud of our little boy!

Corbin's first school bus ride home and boy was he excited!! It is a big bus so he and his friends sit up front by "bus driver Dave".

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cami Lynn - 1 week old

Cami Lynn has been a super sweet edition to our family! Corbin and Carlee Jill love her so much......but they are still adjusting to baby sister!! Andrew and I have our hands full and admire all those with lots of kids. It is not easy but we know that things will get easier!! We love our kids but thank goodness for naps and bedtime!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's a Girl!!!!

Cami Lynn Kramer
7 lb 1 oz
19" Long
8/28/09 1:35 pm

Oh my goodness.......we love her!!! We are so glad she is here!!! Cami Lynn is a little blond combination of Corbin and Carlee. Everyone is so excited she is here safe and sound!!! We think she might be our most mellow baby yet............we hope!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Princess Personality

Carlee Jill is growing up so fast and has a funny personality! She thinks she is the boss of the Kramer house. Carlee loves babies and we hope she will love baby Kramer #3......if not we are in big trouble. She is busy just like Corby was and still is. We love our crazy kids!!!

Coach Pitch - First Year!

It was time! Corbin loves baseball and decided he was ready to play on a team. He did great and had tons of fun. Andrew helped at most of the practices and games. Corbin took his baseball seriously except for those moments when he had to play in the dirt, wear his glove on his head and chat with all those who stopped at third base. We are very proud of him!

Father-Son Campout

Corby and Andrew look forward to the church father-son campout every year!! Corby loves sleeping in the tent, playing with sticks, eating junk food, having all his friends from church there and just being a boy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!!

Corby and Carlee Jill Easter morning before Church!!
Hope you all have a wonderful Spring!
We are grateful for the Savior. We know that he died for us and that he now lives for us.

Corby and mommy with the mother load of Easter eggs filled with candy.

Mommy and Carlee looking for the easy eggs!

Corby and Deaven at the Mahoney Easter egg hunt!!

GW Lodge

We finally made it to the Great Wolf Lodge! We had a great time....especially Corby. Carlee didn't care for the water much but she loved our room. Andrew and I had fun on the water slides and would like to go back next year.....just the two of us!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Corby loves Basketball

Corby just finished his first season of basketball.....and he loved it!! I wish he minded me and Andrew as much as he minded his coaches! I was more proud of what a good boy and friend he was more than how good he is at the sport of basketball. Oh and Carlee had a blast too! She has to do whatever Corby does.

Happy 2nd Birthday Carlee Jill!!!!

Carlee Jill......We love you!!

I can't believe my little girl is TWO!!!!

Cousins - 3 Birthdays in a row in March!

Happy Birthday to Megan, Amanda, and Carlee Jill!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Summer here Yet??

We love frozen treats but it is so cold in Olympia in February!! SO we found a way around it!

Corbin turns 5-years old!!!!

We love Thomas the Train Birthday Cake!!!

Corby and Carlee opening birthday gifts!
Corby at Red Robin.....holding his sundae with a spoon in his mouth....singing Happy Birthday!