Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seattle SC with the Cousins

Chase, Corbin, Carlee, Camren, Kaitlyn and our NANA!

Carlee Jill and Camren at the Laser Light Show. Those two are animals!

Kaitlyn and Cami Lynn hanging out! Kaitlyn is great with her cousins.

Chase and Corbin ready for the Michael jackson Laser Light Show. It was their favorite part of the science center.....oh, and the big fountain.

Carlee Jill and Camren absolutely love each other! I hope they stay best cousins forever. Camren is pretty cute with CJ......she is bossy and he loves her anyway!! We love you Pack family! Thanks Brett for bringing the kids down for the day so we could hang out, spend time, and create fun memories for the cousins!

Carlee Jill turns "3"

Carlee Jill was super excited to turn "3" and have a tinkerbell/princess birthday!! She is still Corbin and Cami's other mother. Carlee has a very strong spirit and loves going places and talking to everyone she meets. I crack up when she spurts out random stuff that has happened weeks ago and talks about it as if it just happened that day. The threes have brought about a few more tantrums and a louder voice!! But, after she turned 3 she did finally decided maybe it is time to get out of diapers and start using the potty chair. Yahoo! We love you CJ and wish you fun being 3.
P.S. Corbins quote when Carlee is being mean, yelling, or having a meltdown, "We love Carlee Jill because she is ours!"