Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's a Girl!!!!

Cami Lynn Kramer
7 lb 1 oz
19" Long
8/28/09 1:35 pm

Oh my goodness.......we love her!!! We are so glad she is here!!! Cami Lynn is a little blond combination of Corbin and Carlee. Everyone is so excited she is here safe and sound!!! We think she might be our most mellow baby yet............we hope!!!!


neeleys in olympia said...

she is beautiful

Anonymous said...

SO precious you guys Congratulations!!!!!

Momma Sarah said...

YEAH! She's here! Congratulations! She is so cute! As always - let us know if we can do anything for you guys! And, I've got my camera batteries all charged up and ready to go when you are!

neecy said...

Mmmmmm, love new babies. Good job Bonnie, I'm so proud of you, oh yeah and Andrew too :)

Unknown said...

Congrats Bonnie she is adorable. I've been thinking about getting me one of those little babies as well. With all these births going around it's hard not to want one. Very cute.

Will & Cheyenne said...

Was it really 7.1?? I thought it was 8.1!!

The Woolf Pack said...

Congratulations you guys, she is adorable! I hope she stays mellow for you. Well, as mellow as a baby can be. :) I hope we can come up in December and meet her while we are there.

Chelsea said...

CONGRATULATIONS BON!!! We are very excited for the new little bundle to be here safe and sound. I hope you are doing well. Love ya...
