Friday, February 19, 2010

Corby turns "6"

It is so hard to believe Andrew and I have a 6-year old. We sure love our Corbin William. He is a sweet boy who loves basketball, Wii, his friends, family, and school. Corbin loves life and is tons of fun to play games with. He can be so cute and helpful with his baby sisters when caught in the right mood. He loves to rough house with his dad and someday he will have the upper hand! WE LOVE YOU CORBIN!!!! HAVE FUN BEING SIX.


The Woolf Pack said...

Wow, he is six! Happy birthday Corbin!

Chicky21 said...

Time flys fast hard to believe he is 6.

Will & Cheyenne said...

Love that bottom pic!! You guys are crazy! Love you!